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【IrfanView 4.27 中文版,比ACDSee更快、更好用的看圖軟體】

發表於 2012-9-22 23:23:32 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

IrfanView 4.27 中文版,比ACDSee更快、更好用的看圖軟體


2010/5/12更新:軟體版本更新為 4.27最新版。






▇ 軟體小檔案 ▇




第1步  將中文化語系檔下載回來並解壓縮後,將「Chinese_TW.dll」與「IP_Chinese_TW.lng」兩個檔案複製到「C:\Program Files\IrfanView\Languages」資料夾中。


第2步  開啟IrfanView軟體,依序按下〔Options〕→【Properites/Settings...】,再到〔Language〕選單去選取繁體中文語系即可。



IrfanView 4.27 更新細節:

Updated/improved TIF loader
Save dialog: if you write file extension, the right file type is selected
New edit menu: Crop visible window area (incl. zoom)
The internal selection code has been changed (to fix some rounding errors)
New capture option: Object capture (with auto scroll, if possible)
New button in Batch progress dialog: Return to batch (use same files again)
New JPG save dialog option: Keep XMP data (from original JPG file)
New command line option: /effect=(effect-nr,value1,value2)
Apply effect from Effects-Browser dialog, Example: Apply Blur of 30
i_view32.exe c:\image.jpg /effect=(1,30,0)
New option in Print dialog: Auto rotate (based on image dimensions)
New HTML dialog option: Create thumbs without frame/border
PSD loading bug/crash fixed (PSD bug reported by Secunia, thanks!)
Support for BLP format (BLP-2, Formats PlugIn)
Fixed problem in "Create multipage PDF" dialog
Batch conversion of multipage images to multipage PDF is now possible
(Advanced options work on the first page only)
New image menu: Add border/frame (Thanks to Balazs from 530.hu)
New edit menu: Create maximized current custom selection (using dialog values)
New edit menus: Create maximized selection (for some standard ratios)
Bigger "Browse for folder" dialog
New option in Properties->Browsing: Beep on folder loop (or screenshot save)
New option for external editors: Send all filenames in one call (Properties->Misc)
New option in Postscript PlugIn/Dialog: Set custom Ghostscript DLL location
Another Blur effect added (Total variation method, thanks to Daniel Marks)
New option in Properties->Extensions->Icons: Leave current icon (for XP only)
Hotkey CTRL + A can be used to select and unselect whole image (toggle)
New fullscreen hotkey: CTRL + SHIFT + W: Stretch images over all monitors (toggle)
Hotkey: CTRL + right mouse drag: scroll image even if Conext menu option activated
Change in CTRL + Print key action: minimize IrfanView window before capturing
New HTML template variables: #IMAGE_PATH#, #IMAGE_BASENAME#,
#IMAGE_EXT# and #SELF_LINK# (see help file, HTML Export page)
Skin change problem on Linux/Wine fixed
Some "Multipage images" menus moved from View to Options menu
The hidden mouse in fullscreen/slideshow mode will be showed on mouse move
New command line option: /random, can be used only with /wall
=> set random wallpapers, see "i_options.txt" for examples
New feature for administrators: "DefaultLang" for INI file (set default language)
=> see FAQs for an example
New Lossless JPG Dialog option: Perfect (error on non-perfect JPG images/sizes)
New hotkey: SHIFT + Mouse-Wheel: scroll image horizontally
New hotkeys: "=" for zoom in; CTRL + G = image->grayscale
Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions http://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm









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